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Caryn was honored to be a guest on a podcast - and not just any podcast! She dropped in on Steve Schulwolf's Opening Doors to Resolution: A Mediation Podcast. Steve and Caryn talked about law, mediation, and comedy. They also talked a fair amount about Amazon's The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It was a fun hour where they talked about the intersection of law and comedy and the shared importance of reading the room, appreciating shifting cultural norms, and using comedy at the right place at the right time in their professional lives. And Caryn talked about bombing at open mics and giving up on jokes nobody but she thought were funny. Take a listen!

Episode 3: That was Funny, Right?Opening Doors to Resolution: A Mediation Podcast
00:00 / 52:17

Steve invited Caryn on his podcast after he read her short story called "Crowd Work" in the Texas Bar Journal. It was a work of fiction - sorta.

Check out the story here:

Comedy Montage

Comedy Montage

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